Sunday, February 26, 2023

Päivänselvää : Terveystieto / Sakari Kilkki


Nonfiction. Health. Workbook,

DESCRIPTION: Similar to other books in the Päiväselvää series, this book contains chapters on different topics with exercises at the end. This book focuses on health, including nutrition, exercise, sexual health, drugs and alcohol and mental health. 

LANGUAGE: The beginning of each chapter features a note to teachers. Next follows subchapters of various length. Each subchapter features large text, lots of white space and black and white illustrations. At the end and throughout each chapter are exercises on reading comprehension and grammar. Many chapters also include a list of links for further information at the end. This book is intended for older teens and adults and can be used both in schools and in free time. I recommend this for B1 level and above, but feel free to have a go at specific topics if you are not quite a B level.

WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK: Chances are, if you are an older teen or adult, you have already learned about the content in this book in your home country. Therefore, it's important to review the content and learn new vocabulary. The workbook questions are valuable to test your reading comprehension and grammar. If you use this book in a classroom setting, great. But if not, it's worth still reading in your free time. This is the second Päivänselvää book I have read and both have been great.

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