Sunday, January 29, 2023

Kerron Suomesta / Sakari Kilkki #sponsered


Nonfiction. Finland culture and history. Workbook.

DESCRIPTION: In this book, "I'll tell you about Finland," we meet Mei (right), a young woman from China who has just arrived in Finland and is staying for two weeks. She meets Elli (left), a Finn, who she met online and who is going to give her a broad tour of the country. 

LANGUAGE: This is a workbook that's broken down in to chapters and section on various topics, such as history, politics, health, customs, traditions, celebrations, nature and more. At the end of each chapter is a page of exercises, where the readers can fill in the blanks or answer questions based on the chapter they just read. Each chapter is around 3 pages, with each section being around 1-2 pages in length. The font is large, the paragraphs are short and there are lots of photographs and illustrations. There is no dictionary, but if you already own a grammar book and have access to a dictionary (, then this is a great book for A level students. The grammar may be difficult to very new readers, but A level readers can understand paragraph by paragraph, page by page by understanding the words. B level students would benefit from this book by reading the book more intensively and studying the grammar. Because of this I recommend this book to A - B level students of all levels.

WHY YOU SHOULD READ THIS BOOK: This is a great book for all readers interested in Finland. For those looking to learn more about the country or visit Finland for a short time, this will give a great overview of the country and people. For those already living here, this is a great workbook for those just learning Finnish and as well as those who already have a solid footing of the language under their belt. Seeing the country from the perspective of both a Finn as well as a visitor from another country very different from Finland provides great insight to readers. Also, if the reader is uninterested in the workbook aspect and exercises, these can be left aside, as there is plenty of text and information in the book as a whole.


Thanks to Opike for generously providing this book for review! You can purchase this book and more from their website, #sponsored

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